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Money, Money, Money...Where are You?

Posted by kingdom on June 24, 2012

Well, how time is flying, especially in summer vac here in San Diego. Greetings from Talk of Entebbe.

Last week we touched on how the economy is affecting education, and this effect will continue as our thread. And now that most kids (students) are holiday-making here, the economic sequeeze is felt even more.

Jobs Scarce

Latest reports say most teenagers, used to working during these 3 summer months (June-August) of no school, this time are finding no work. That means parents, many of whom were re-trenched (laid off) themselves, will have to not only find money to give to the kids but also find ways to keep them busy so they do not act wild.

Home Schooling

Here is another piece I find interesting: That  2 million children are being homeschooled in America. This means parents decided that instead of sending them to public (government) school or private school, they would rather teach them themselves. How is that for confidence in the US education system? A report made news last Friday that these homeschooled students have better scores in math, languages (for instance French, Spanish, Latin, English), science and other subjects overall tested on State examinations (think of these as UNEB) than those attending public or private school. Two years ago, only 800,000 students were homeschooled.

Two Million Immigrants Now Working: Update

I told you about the blanket "amnesty" issued by the President without consulting parliament (Congress), thus granting 2 million people 30 years old or younger work permits irrespective of how they entered the United States. The good news is that so far, apart from the expected reaction by those opposed to the permits, nothing out of the ordinary has happened. There are rumours, though, that some pro-permit groups are organizing to rub it  in by having floods of these immigrants overwhelm computer system by showing up in thousands the same day at immigration office for the work permits. Oh well.

Stock Exchange

Last Thursday was not good news economically. The stock market wiped off the books lots of investors money -- to a steep 250 points. Don't ask me what the points mean, all I know is that the news media reports such drops as news that indicate the economy is still in recession and Americans are still searching for work without success.

Sodomizer Found Gulity

In case you would like to get an update, the gentleman (well, he was until now) who sodomized young boys he was coaching in American football at Pennsylavania State University has been found guilty of 45 of the 48 cases. Mr. Jerry Sundsky faces life sentence when the judge bangs the hammer on the table next time he is brought from jail where he was returned Friday. His face was reported expressionless at the "guilty" announcement, nor did he make any statement.

Teachers to Return to Work

Now, I would like to conclude with some good news.  Thursday came the relief to almost 1500 San Diego teachers who had received re-trenchement notices beginning the next school year in September. Well, they were all called back to duty, although they would loose pay by working  a little bit fewer days. Students would not study fewer days, however, because the system is set up that when a regular teacher is absent a substitute part-timer is called in.

At this point, I am running off to check out a sewing machine. If it is a good buy, we could add a professional sewing course at KMI. Who knows!

Untill next time. May God bless you and your family. May God bless Uganda and bless the USA.

Sincerely, K. Lwanga, Principal & Writer.



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