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Quiet Week with Cool Weather

Posted by kingdom on July 29, 2012

Hello friend, greetings from Talk of Entebbe here in San Diego.

Thankfully the past week has been quiet. Weather? Hot and cold and warm and cool. Oh, well.

I just came back from church where we prayed for rain, food, and the souls of those massacred last week in a movie theatre in Colorado state.

Colorado State

Most attention, on a national level, has of course been on Aurora town in Colorado where a gunman massacred 12 and injured 58, all moviegoers in a midnight showing. Almost all killed have been laid to rest. Debate continues preventing gunds from getting into wrong hands. America is a nation that has a constitutional clause allowing any person, citizen or not,  without a criminal record to purchase a pistol or big gun.


Students of San Diego in p.7-"A" level who have been attending summer school since June 25 to catch up with required grades are on "their marks" for holidaymaking. Friday, August 3 will be the last day of summer school, then they can go enjoy time off for a month. School will  re-open September 4.

Help Me Mr. Federo

With the economy here continuing to sleep, the United States Postal Service is crying for help from the federal government. The posta borrowed $5.5 billion to meet payroll and retirement benefits, promised to re-pay by August 1 but can't do it because mail delivery has slowed down considerably. The talk is that if government refuses to extend the re-payment date, drastic measures including massive retrenchement must occur. In addition, the Postal Service also needs to borrow additional money,and  cut $25.5 billion before 2016 to stay in business. They are proposing "sweet" early retirement offers, cutting service (for instance no mail delivery on Saturdays, shorter business hours) as well as retrenchment and freeze on hiring.

Food, Just Give Me Food

Drought conditions continue in many states here. Government has declared at least 13 counties throughtout the U.S. disaster areas, which means they can get federal financial assistance and food. Fear continue that prices for food, vegetables, fruits and associated products are expected to rise in the near future. This will affect student life in schools because by law all p.1-"A" level public schools serve meals, some include breakfast, others just lunch. It is amazing to realize that some families here in San Diego rely on school meals to feed their children otherwise they would not eat. Good news here is that San Diego County is said to be drought-free for now.

Hope you and your family are blessed with something to eat.

Best regards to you. May God bless Uganda, may God bless America.

Sincerely, K. Lwanga, Principal & Writer





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